Wednesday, February 2, 2011



The question (using Soulogy and Astrology)whether ceres or lilith is a wayshower between the dead and the living. Or is it Ceres is the goddess quiding from the world of living to the other side and lilith is the goddess who realizes this world is compared to the other side, is a fixed, material, or for the most part 'dead' world and that she and the true self lives on the other side.

I know someone who dreamed they were dreaming this life and in that world they were dreaming in, they were ruler and queen. They were also faced with a dark force there that tried to counteract their choices. This is the comprehension of something I think is quite true. I think it is why many women feel vulnerable, lost and do not know themselves or what they want. They are stuck between the two worlds, as we all are in human form, unless we know about and find who we are (this is more rare), that we are Soul. This is what Soulogy (Spiritual Psychology) would like to deal with.

If we are dreaming this life and lifetime, making it up and living all as it is, (for whatever reason of emotion, karma, love, and so on), then this insight using Ceres or Lilith shows two ways to look at this life to ask - Is it the real world, or the illusionary one? If we use the dreamer to dream a better life, we can also connect to the dreamer who is actually our real self and be conscious of our dreams. - it is all related.

This is I think is quite emphatic and beautiful to realize. All women are Queens, rulers of their world. Many suspect this is true, so now perhaps you will know. The more you accept it, the more it will become. But it is not good to be an evil queen, or one ruling or manipulative. It is a spiritual heir to heaven who is calm, serene, and centered in a spiritual beauty.

The strong placement of Ceres and lilith both would point to a dramatic or acute presentation of this respect. Alcohol or other abuse to self and others is part of it, taking the negative to heart that shows not being understood, that is reactive to or perhaps as some are, upset they are here in this world, when they suspect there may be quite a bit more to who they are and what this is all about.

The solution is knowing you are Soul.